Open air pod rental for Ministry of Sound

Photo Booth hire for the Ministry of Sound

Sound and vision make a fabulous combination, which is what happened with our latest photo booth rental in central London – at the Ministry of Sound Audio Range launch, where 2,000 people gathered to party.

Having started out as a nightclub in London, Ministry of Sound has diversified into a multimedia entertainment business, one that’s always open to the best in an innovative entertainment mix, be it cocktails, music or photo booth souvenirs of an exceptional night out. That’s where Photboothy came in.

For their latest diversification – the Audio Range – they went for a photo booth rental of a free-standing open air pod. This is a great option for clubs and party venues in central London, Essex or Kent because there is no limited as to how many people you can fit in the photos (customers are more restricted with a booth as there’s limited space inside).

The free standing pod can be placed against a backdrop or a step and repeat, making it the ideal photo booth hire option for corporates who would like to have a customised backdrop.

Our photo booth rental was a smash hit at the Audio Range launch, held at their main venue in Elephant and Castle, showcasing wireless Bluetooth speakers which steam a live club weekend music feed plus headphones.

A take away strip of pictures is a great reminder of a launch, corporate party or special occasion and we offer personalised strips (logos, the event date) at no extra cost, in this case #ministryaudio hashtag.

All our photo booths come with social media sharing options and we’re really thrilled at such a successful mix of sound and vision!

If you’d like to find out more about photo booth rental in central London, please get in touch. We’re helpful, an experienced supplier – and tuned in to your requirements.


28 thoughts on “SOUND AND VISION – A HIT COMBO!”

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